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With Bio.SoilZ, I have seen significant difference in my Maize crop, compare to other fields where I use chemical fertilizers. The plants were healthier, the leaves were larger and darker in colour. And the yield was 20% more compare to last year.
For the last 3 months I have been using Bio.SoilZ, a regenerator of soil, with very good results and have averaged 30-40% more product of Alfalfa and Sudan grass. Also, I have noticed easier soil management.
The primary distinction with Bio.SoilZ on Sugarcane crop was higher number of Stems per linear meter. Reed leaves were wider and turgid and the plant showed greater defense during the critical dry period of December to May
With Bio.SoliZ the leaves of my Mustad crop are blackish green, the stems are larger, squat, knobbly bulb with large bumps on it. The number of flowers are more and I am expecting significant increase in yield this year.
I grow winter wheat and for the last 4 months I have used Bio.SoilZ. I have observed a better growth of the plants with more production per hectare, and have seen about 30% greater harvest.
I applied Bio.SoilZ on 2 acres of land on cotton crop. Compared to our neighbor we got more yield; around 15 to 20 flowers more per plant. We are happy with your product. Our neighbours also want to use Bio.SoilZ.
With the use of Bio.SoilZ we have observed broad leaves and more than 30% more yield in our cotton crop (around 60 to 70 flowers per plant). The size of the flowers is also big.
I applied Bio.SoilZ in my Kenaf crop for organic seed production. I observed 20% better growth in the size of Kenaf plants in 150 days instead of 160 days. The leaves were more greener and the flowers were more in number per plant. And the seed size was approximately 10% bigger.
